- A Matter Of Life and Death
Getting to KNOW Jesus, as we forgive those who trespass against us. He will be our strength to do the things He tells us to do.
- Back To The Beginning (9/29/2011)
Kathleen discuss who we are in light of who we were made to be in creation.
- Building What Lasts
What is true Humility? Kathleen discusses what the fruits of humility look like in our lives and our actions.
- Cherish the Word
We are what we pay attention to. Are you feeding your Spirit or your flesh?
- Christ, The Living Word, Created The World
Knowing Jesus as the Living word, active and among us.
- From the Prison To the Palace
God has a plan. Joseph was punished for doing the right thing. God doesn't say, "awww, limp along now." He says, "Forgive!" Things meant to destroy you will be used by God. Stumbling blocks can be stepping stones. Don't hoard your gifts because you've been hurt. Say to God, "Use me!
- God The Son (09/19/2011)
Join Kathleen as she discusses Jesus in depth and share in the wonder of His unique and profound purpose in our lives.
- I Am With You On That
Worldly definition of love has NOTHING to do with sacrifice. God has EVERYTHING to do with sacrifice. When I'm hurting, I can help others who are hurting like I am.
- If You ...
What did it take for you to lift Him up in your own heart and truly come to know HIm?
- The Holy Spirit (09/26/2011)
Join Kathleen as she leads us into a discussion of a deeper understanding of the Holy Spirit.
- Unto The Least Of These
With the love of God (a verb, sacrificial, in action) you can extend yourself to those who are hungry, thirst, naked, imprisoned (literally & figuratively). By doing so, you are feeding, clothing, and loving Jesus
- You Bet I'm Humble! (Humility 1)
What does true humility look like from a Biblical perspective? Kathleen discusses how the world can get us off track and how the Word can show us the true meaning of humility.