- Build Your House On the Rock (6 of 6)
Get to know who you really are by getting to know Jesus. If you’re on a trek for self-realization you should get to know HIM! Although "Born Again" has gotten a bad rap, you have to be born again to live in the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. By living in the Kingdom of Heaven, you can see joy and have protection and peace.
- Building What Lasts
What is true Humility? Kathleen discusses what the fruits of humility look like in our lives and our actions.
- Earth Stuff
What do we do when we are in the midst of "Earth Stuff"? Kathleen discusses what the Bible calls us to do to stay our course on earth as God's people.
- God Speaks Through Wise Counsel CD 5
Do you ever wish you for a direct line of communication with God? Kathleen discusses the many ways God comes to us.
- God's Way To Personal Permanent Change - Part 2
If we want to become more like Jesus, what steps do we need to take? Kathleen talks about how we can become more like the person God intended us to be.
- God's Way To Personal Permanent Change - Part 3
Jesus has paid the price for you, but your ticket to enter freedom is one of humility.
- God's Word Can Change You
Kathleen briefly talks of neuroscience, medicine, how the Word literally changes you because it's alive. Literally you are a new person, but we are responsible for our place here on earth. Be doers, not just hearers and readers of the Word. Build your house on the rock. Faith is action. Meditate on the word. Keep word in the midst of your heart.
- Hearing God Through Peace (2 of 3)
Discover six Biblical truths in order for you to hear God through peace.
- Hidden In Christ
Kathleen explores the costs and benefits of taking God seriously when He says "Pay attention to my Word."
- How God Speaks, Part 3 (6 of 10)
God won't talk to us about certain matters unless He knows we will be obedient because He doesn't set us up for failure. Anytime God reveals something to you or puts you in a situation, it's because He sets you up to succeed, even if it is a difficult trial. God does speak to us. What God has shown Kathleen is that you don't have to understand it, you just have to agree because God is God and you are not. That opens our hearts to be obedient to Him. The Spirit is always talking, but not everyone is listening. If we are willing to obey, He will give us more and more truth, joy and love.
- In The Arms Of Our Father
Your relationship with your Heavenly Father is unlike any other relationship in your life. We can not grasp the depth of His love for us and how completely He knows us.
- It's All About The Attitude
Kathleen discusses what true humility is - a position of the heart, a position the body, and lastly a position of praise!
- Jesus, The Word in Action (Part 2)
Kathleen discusses the powerful desires of God for us, accomplished through Jesus.
- Joy Resurrected
Kathleen teaches us how to live a life of JOY through Jesus' resurrection power.
- Just (10/24/11)
God knows that our will and desires will begin to match His perfect plan and direction when we follow Christ and permit ourselves to conform to His Image.
- Listen Up (3 of 10)
You may be saying, I want to obey, but how do I know if I have heard from God or what God is telling me? To answer this, Kathleen starts by talking about how we learn to recognize God's voice. We recognize the voice of those we spend the most time with. A child can pick out his mother's voice because he has heard her voice all his life and has spent so much time with her. The best place to hear the clearest voice of God is in the Word of God. The more of God we get into our heart, the more we recognize His voice. That is why the enemy doesn't want you in the Word. It is where life is, and it is where you discover who you really are. The Bible says our life is hidden in Jesus Christ. And Jesus Christ is the Word.
- Love Keeps No Record Of Wrongs (3 of 3)
God does not want things in our lives to be stumbling blocks; He wants them to be stepping stones. We can choose to walk upon things to get to a higher place or we can trip on them. It is our choice. He will do a NEW thing in us if we live in today and do not dwell on yesterday. If we turn to God, He can help us forgive . Love is a free choice. We need the Word of God to change us. Perfect love drives out all fear and hope does not disappoint us. This talk aired on January 16 & 17, 2010 and is part 3 of a 3 part series.
- Man's Precious Possesion
Kathleen discusses how you can be one of those people who radiate contentment in their soul. What does the Bible say about this special ability?
- No Worries (2 of 7)
What do I do that forfeits the promised "land of rest"? RE: Israelites-we are delivered from our bondage to sin and then we are entered into a time of testing before that promised land of rest. We will praise Him while we can see His works, but then we doubt Him during time of testing and go into unbelief. What causes me to NOT believe? Land of rest NOT dependent on circumstances, He PROMISES us a rest.
- Past the Point of Possibility
Abraham waited past the point of possibility. He CHOSE to believe God despite his circumstances. What to do when suffering? Suffering produces perserverance and produces the character that He will use in your life for that purpose. He predestined you before the foundations of the earth. God never wastes your suffering. Set your hope on Him. Nothing will snatch you out of His hand.
- Personally Applying Scriptures
The Words that came out of Jesus' mouth are Spirit and Life to us. They are life changing. Taking a scripture and speaking it out loud makes it come alive: Our lives will be blessed in those areas where we believe in and apply scripture. But unless we apply it, it won't do us any good. When we speak the Word of God, it has power in the heavenly realms. Angels even do bidding according to the Word of God. God's Word always has power. When we apply it to our life, it has power. The world was created by the spoken Word. The Word that was spoken out of the mouth of God (Bible) has so much power that it created the world. Jesus says, 'The Words I have spoken to you are Spirit and they are Life.'" 2 Tim 1:7 "
- Responding In Belief -Obedience Part 3 (9 of 10)
Imitate Jesus. When the spirit convicts us, it’s not the accusing way that Satan convicts us. We can’t change ourselves, but God can & we need to believe that. Belief leads to righteousness; and the more righteous we are, the more of His goodness He will give us & the more blessed we will be. When He reveals something to us and convicts us through His Word or through a message like this or through anything, don’t respond with the excuse, “That’s just how I am”. Respond in humility and ask Him to help you change.
- Responding In Belief - Part 1 (7 of 10)
We need to know how God speaks and how to attune our spirits to hear Him. Beyond that we need to respond. Slow obedience is like no obedience because timing is important with God. Our response should be to believe God regardless of the circumstances.
- Responding In Belief - Part 2 (8 of 10)
Some people gain hope or loose hope depending upon their circumstances. But when you believe in God, you never loose hope. That’s because God never changes even though the circumstances do. It says in the book of Hebrews that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). So God is always loving, always faithful, always doing miracles, always willing to help us. God however is moved by faith, not by need. We may not like that, but that’s what we see all through the Word of God. He is moved by compassion because He loves us, but faith is what he looks for from us because it is a child thing, Daddy I believe you! So our response is no matter what I see, no matter what I hear, or no matter what I feel I believe in God. Knowing God and responding in belief will change the outcome of our circumstances in life..
- Take Off The Bronze
God doesn't look at outward appearances; He searches the heart. David was anointed King in front of his brothers, but still had to go right back to the sheep fields and the dirty work while the Lord prepared Him and while David waited to be called. People will misjudge our hearts when we are on His purpose for us. David killed the giant with the tools the Lord had trained him with in the sheep fields. David took off the bronze armor (which represents human strength and judgment) and used the tools God gave him. Whatever our shepherd's fields are is what He will use to prepare us to go out and fulfill the call on our lives
- The Beginning Of God's Strength
God doesn't look at you and wonder how long you will be a mess or how many promises you will break. He sees you as eternal. You are an overcomer. Greater is He who is within you than is in the world. Don't change the WORD to fit your circumstances, tradition, or favorite speaker. Don't change it to make more sense. It is Truth. Those who live in the truth don't need to fake joy or peace. They just believe the Word.
- The Choice (2 of 10)
Obeying has nothing to do with feelings. But when you open the door to obeying God and forget about yourself, smile, and rejoice, the residual is that you always feel better. You need to get the Word in your heart so that it comes out of your mouth and you can obey.
- The Enemy's Number One M.O.
Do not be offended. Enemy's MO=misdirection and offenses. Offenses are offensive to God. Don't cause others to stumble in your freedom. We will offend and be offended because we're not perfect. What to do? Cover the offense. We are offended by friends, family, authority and God! Offenses=stumbling blocks.
- The Father's Heart Through A Mother's Eyes
There are all different kinds of mothers: Spiritual, Biological, Adopted. God compares His love towards us to that of a Mother towards her child. Isa 49:15, "Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne?" Through a Mother's Eyes", I catch glimpses of the heart of the Father. His Compassion, like a mother, God has COMPASSION toward us (His children) through every stage of life. His desire to meet His children right where they are.
- The Holy Spirit (09/26/2011)
Join Kathleen as she leads us into a discussion of a deeper understanding of the Holy Spirit.
- The Lamb of God
Kathleen discusses the peace that only God can give us through His Son, Jesus. God always knows what is in our hearts and minds even when we don't know ourselves. When you lose your peace, remember God gives it to you as a free gift through Jesus.
- What Can God Do With The Waste In My Life? (2 of 4
God doesn't waste anything. We are God's righteousness in Christ Jesus. Even the righteous have waste. God desires to redeem our lives. We can gather the fragments of our lives and give to Jesus and say, I will trust you to redeem this. Jesus said gather up the fragments, let nothing be wasted: wasted years, wasted relationships, wasted things. God redeems our waste. Whether you have made mistakes, wasted years, wasted finances, it is His job to redeem and restore. Gather up the fragments of your life and watch Him restore the years the locusts have eaten.
- When Someone Withholds Their Spirit
Judgment hurts, especially from those you are close to. What do you do when you've forgiven someone but they still judge your heart? David as an example. He took off the judgment, turned from it and looked to God. Go to Him with your pain, He will search your heart. Ask for forgiveness. Bless those who persecute you. If they still judge you and keep their spirit from you, turn away. If we're going to slay the giants in our lives, we have to turn to God.
- You Bet I'm Humble! (Humility 1)
What does true humility look like from a Biblical perspective? Kathleen discusses how the world can get us off track and how the Word can show us the true meaning of humility.
- Your Actions (10 of 10)
Kathleen is teaching about living out of our spirit. She reiterates that we are 3 part beings made up of our body, soul, and spirit. Living out of our body and soul is living out of our flesh verses walking with God by living out of our spirit. When we talk about obedience, we also have to consider our actions on other people. Obedience and disobedience are generational. Obedience has a windfall of good results for generations. Likewise, disobedience has a windfall of terrible results for generations.