- Christ, The Living Word, Reveals God, The Father
Throughout the ages, God's people have desired to SEE God as He truly is. Even Jesus disciples asked to SEE The Father. In response, Jesus reveals one of the greatest truths ever imparted from God to man, "Anyone who has SEEN Me (Jesus) has SEEN the Father (God)."(John 14:9)
- Earth Stuff
What do we do when we are in the midst of "Earth Stuff"? Kathleen discusses what the Bible calls us to do to stay our course on earth as God's people.
- Empty Yourself (12/12/11)
Jesus emptied Himself to become man in order to save you, understand you, free you from fear of death, and to show us how to empty ourselves.
- Fruit Of The Spirit; Fruit Of The Flesh
Kathleen discusses the fruits in our lives of the things we choose to feed. Are you dissatisfied with something in your life?
- God Speaks Through People
God speaks thru strangers, movies, art, books, music, nature; anything He chooses. God speaks to us through circumstances. If a door is closed, sometimes God wants us to knock down the door.
- God Speaks Through Wise Counsel CD 5
Do you ever wish you for a direct line of communication with God? Kathleen discusses the many ways God comes to us.
- God The Son (09/19/2011)
Join Kathleen as she discusses Jesus in depth and share in the wonder of His unique and profound purpose in our lives.
- God's Glory To Give (2 of 3)
The Glory of God will overshadow you. A lack of trust equals anxiety. Trust is a full understanding of God's mercy. Receive and give away mercy and forgiveness/forgetfulness of your sins & sins of others. The enemy will accuse you of EVERYTHING you've done wrong. Mercy is NOT withholding love just because someone doesn't "deserve" to be loved. While extending mercy to others don't worry about what they're saying or doing behind your back. God has your back covered. God's mercy restores. Mercy is the greatest sacrifice we can offer.
- Hearing God Through His Word (1 of 3)
Kathleen relates personal examples and applicable Scriptures to help you learn to hear God's voice through the only 100% accurate source - The Bible.
- Hearing God Through Peace (2 of 3)
Discover six Biblical truths in order for you to hear God through peace.
- Individuals
Kathleen discusses the dynamics of becoming married, retaining your individuality in God's eyes and our continuing relationship with God.
- It's All About The Attitude
Kathleen discusses what true humility is - a position of the heart, a position the body, and lastly a position of praise!
- Jesus, The Word in Action (Part 2)
Kathleen discusses the powerful desires of God for us, accomplished through Jesus.
- Joy Resurrected
Kathleen teaches us how to live a life of JOY through Jesus' resurrection power.
- Listen Up (3 of 10)
You may be saying, I want to obey, but how do I know if I have heard from God or what God is telling me? To answer this, Kathleen starts by talking about how we learn to recognize God's voice. We recognize the voice of those we spend the most time with. A child can pick out his mother's voice because he has heard her voice all his life and has spent so much time with her. The best place to hear the clearest voice of God is in the Word of God. The more of God we get into our heart, the more we recognize His voice. That is why the enemy doesn't want you in the Word. It is where life is, and it is where you discover who you really are. The Bible says our life is hidden in Jesus Christ. And Jesus Christ is the Word.
- Love Keeps No Record Of Wrongs (3 of 3)
God does not want things in our lives to be stumbling blocks; He wants them to be stepping stones. We can choose to walk upon things to get to a higher place or we can trip on them. It is our choice. He will do a NEW thing in us if we live in today and do not dwell on yesterday. If we turn to God, He can help us forgive . Love is a free choice. We need the Word of God to change us. Perfect love drives out all fear and hope does not disappoint us. This talk aired on January 16 & 17, 2010 and is part 3 of a 3 part series.
- Past the Point of Possibility
Abraham waited past the point of possibility. He CHOSE to believe God despite his circumstances. What to do when suffering? Suffering produces perserverance and produces the character that He will use in your life for that purpose. He predestined you before the foundations of the earth. God never wastes your suffering. Set your hope on Him. Nothing will snatch you out of His hand.
- Taking Intermission
When we get exhausted, His Word will regenerate us. Come to Me, all who are weary. Rest=intermission. We're tired because of sin in our lives. Go to Him, pray for salvation/for the joy of His salvation to be renewed. Repent/turn away from the sin and go to Him. Be joyful. There is no joy in sacrifice and control when you use those in lieu of repentance. Don't lean on your own understanding. God will forge a way where there is no way.
- The Difference Between Fact and Truth
Waiting strengthens your faith. Abraham waited past the point of possibility. How can you be strengthened in faith while you are waiting? It's not about denying the facts. Abraham faced the facts and trusted in God's promises despite them, and his faith was strengthened. Give glory to God during the wait. What His promises are to us beyond salvation. God's Word (the Truth) overrides fact.
- The Father's Heart Through A Mother's Eyes
There are all different kinds of mothers: Spiritual, Biological, Adopted. God compares His love towards us to that of a Mother towards her child. Isa 49:15, "Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne?" Through a Mother's Eyes", I catch glimpses of the heart of the Father. His Compassion, like a mother, God has COMPASSION toward us (His children) through every stage of life. His desire to meet His children right where they are.
- The Secret Revealed (1 of 10)
The answer to what the secret is - Obedience. How many of you would have been excited if Kathleen said she was going to teach a minimum of 4 weeks on Obedience?! Unfortunately, the word "obedience" is distasteful to most of us, even though we want it from our children. It's interesting that Isaiah 1:19 says that "If you are obedient you will eat the good of the land." So who made "obedience" a distasteful word? The enemy! Isaiah says we will have the best in our life; but to us today, the word sounds so stoic plus it brings conviction. We don't want to hear it! When we look at some of the good results of obedience, most of us would be excited to be obedient to God.
- What Can God Do With The Waste In My Life? (2 of 4
God doesn't waste anything. We are God's righteousness in Christ Jesus. Even the righteous have waste. God desires to redeem our lives. We can gather the fragments of our lives and give to Jesus and say, I will trust you to redeem this. Jesus said gather up the fragments, let nothing be wasted: wasted years, wasted relationships, wasted things. God redeems our waste. Whether you have made mistakes, wasted years, wasted finances, it is His job to redeem and restore. Gather up the fragments of your life and watch Him restore the years the locusts have eaten.
- What Does It Mean To Carry My Cross? (3 of 4)
What is our cross? LOVE. Love God. Love others. Which means dying to self, giving up your own rights: The cross, where our will crosses God's will. Being a Believer does NOT mean that we are part of a "Bless Me" Club, but rather a part of God's LOVE. True LOVE always involves personal sacrifice. Love is a willingness to die.
- When God's Will Calls You Higher (2 of 4)
God's ways are better, perfect, and higher than our ways. God's ways can call us to stretch, to be different than those around us. You can choose God's ways that are higher and receive God's blessing. Daniel is an example of not understanding what God's ways were, what God was doing; but still he placed God's ways as his ways. We are not to conform. God does not want us to compromise. Do you have your will above God's will?
- Who Is Wisdom?
Join Kathleen in a discussion of Wisdom. Who or what is it, where do you find it and what can it do for you?