- Are You Pressing ON or Pressing IN? (1 of 4 )
A close look at one person who dared to go beyond human perseverance to encounter the miraculous healing power of God.
- Hear Him, Follow Him (Part 1)
We won't listen to a stranger's voice. Make more room for Him in our hearts, lives. He cares about the little things. Learn how to attune your ears to hear the voice of God. We need to be quenched with the Word. The Word not only quenches, heals, fills; it is also the voice of God for every situation.
- How Do I Continue In God's Word? (4 of 4)
Continue means abide, remain, dwell, tarry (wait), not to depart, endure. CONTINUE in God's Word to get free. Free from what? judgment, torment, worry, repetitive sins, addiction, unforgiveness, sickness, depression, oppression, anger, bitterness, self reliance. Continuence moves God's heart to do miracles because it brings God's compassion.
- How God Speaks, Part 3 (6 of 10)
God won't talk to us about certain matters unless He knows we will be obedient because He doesn't set us up for failure. Anytime God reveals something to you or puts you in a situation, it's because He sets you up to succeed, even if it is a difficult trial. God does speak to us. What God has shown Kathleen is that you don't have to understand it, you just have to agree because God is God and you are not. That opens our hearts to be obedient to Him. The Spirit is always talking, but not everyone is listening. If we are willing to obey, He will give us more and more truth, joy and love.
- How To Change
Kathleen discusses how we change for God while living in this world.
- If You ...
What did it take for you to lift Him up in your own heart and truly come to know HIm?
- Joy Resurrected
Kathleen teaches us how to live a life of JOY through Jesus' resurrection power.
- Listen Up (3 of 10)
You may be saying, I want to obey, but how do I know if I have heard from God or what God is telling me? To answer this, Kathleen starts by talking about how we learn to recognize God's voice. We recognize the voice of those we spend the most time with. A child can pick out his mother's voice because he has heard her voice all his life and has spent so much time with her. The best place to hear the clearest voice of God is in the Word of God. The more of God we get into our heart, the more we recognize His voice. That is why the enemy doesn't want you in the Word. It is where life is, and it is where you discover who you really are. The Bible says our life is hidden in Jesus Christ. And Jesus Christ is the Word.
- Love is Not Easily Angered Part 2
Love is not EASILY angered. God does not say "love is not angered ever at all." There is such a thing as righteous anger. Jesus was angered when the temple was being desecrated. We can operate out of provoked anger, but that will cause strife. There are ways to stop anger and strife from poisoning our lives. Seek patience, the opposite of being hot tempered.
- Love Is Not Easily Angered Part 3
The religious leaders tried to provoke Jesus' anger. In one instance, the Pharisees brought an adulteress to Jesus and asked Him to convict her. When Jesus wrote in the sand, He was showing them how He bought time and prayed before responding to the accusers and the woman. We often get in trouble when we answer too quickly. Most of us are slow to listen, quick to speak, and quick to anger. Although they were trying to trap Him into either saying that scripture was wrong about Moses or letting the adulteress off the hook, He responded by saying "he who is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone." That simple statement was so convicting that everyone left except the accused woman and Jesus. The number one lesson we should learn from this is to take our time and answer slowly.
- Receiving God's Love For Yourself (Part 1)
People want to give God's love to the world but do not know how. Before we give anything away, we have to receive it, then possess it, then give it. We cannot give something away that we do not have. Receive means to acquire or partake; possess means to carry it and have it with you; give means to dispense and give out. We have to love ourselves in order to love others. God says over and over to love your neighbors as you love yourself. When you fly, if there is ever a need to have oxygen, they say to apply the mask to yourself first, then help someone else. It is the same with mercy and forgiveness. If you haven't received it, you cannot give it.
- Responding In Belief -Obedience Part 3 (9 of 10)
Imitate Jesus. When the spirit convicts us, it’s not the accusing way that Satan convicts us. We can’t change ourselves, but God can & we need to believe that. Belief leads to righteousness; and the more righteous we are, the more of His goodness He will give us & the more blessed we will be. When He reveals something to us and convicts us through His Word or through a message like this or through anything, don’t respond with the excuse, “That’s just how I am”. Respond in humility and ask Him to help you change.
- Responding In Belief - Part 1 (7 of 10)
We need to know how God speaks and how to attune our spirits to hear Him. Beyond that we need to respond. Slow obedience is like no obedience because timing is important with God. Our response should be to believe God regardless of the circumstances.
- Responding In Belief - Part 2 (8 of 10)
Some people gain hope or loose hope depending upon their circumstances. But when you believe in God, you never loose hope. That’s because God never changes even though the circumstances do. It says in the book of Hebrews that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). So God is always loving, always faithful, always doing miracles, always willing to help us. God however is moved by faith, not by need. We may not like that, but that’s what we see all through the Word of God. He is moved by compassion because He loves us, but faith is what he looks for from us because it is a child thing, Daddy I believe you! So our response is no matter what I see, no matter what I hear, or no matter what I feel I believe in God. Knowing God and responding in belief will change the outcome of our circumstances in life..
- The Relationship (10/17/11)
Christianity is about the Person of Jesus. We are made (by God, Our Creator) to know Him through the Person of Jesus (His Son.)
Any approach we make toward God (with a true heart to want to know Him) He rewards.
- What Can God Do With The Waste In My Life? (2 of 4
God doesn't waste anything. We are God's righteousness in Christ Jesus. Even the righteous have waste. God desires to redeem our lives. We can gather the fragments of our lives and give to Jesus and say, I will trust you to redeem this. Jesus said gather up the fragments, let nothing be wasted: wasted years, wasted relationships, wasted things. God redeems our waste. Whether you have made mistakes, wasted years, wasted finances, it is His job to redeem and restore. Gather up the fragments of your life and watch Him restore the years the locusts have eaten.