- Earth Stuff
What do we do when we are in the midst of "Earth Stuff"? Kathleen discusses what the Bible calls us to do to stay our course on earth as God's people.
- Empty Yourself (12/12/11)
Jesus emptied Himself to become man in order to save you, understand you, free you from fear of death, and to show us how to empty ourselves.
- God The Son (09/19/2011)
Join Kathleen as she discusses Jesus in depth and share in the wonder of His unique and profound purpose in our lives.
- How God Speaks, Part 3 (6 of 10)
God won't talk to us about certain matters unless He knows we will be obedient because He doesn't set us up for failure. Anytime God reveals something to you or puts you in a situation, it's because He sets you up to succeed, even if it is a difficult trial. God does speak to us. What God has shown Kathleen is that you don't have to understand it, you just have to agree because God is God and you are not. That opens our hearts to be obedient to Him. The Spirit is always talking, but not everyone is listening. If we are willing to obey, He will give us more and more truth, joy and love.
- How To Change
Kathleen discusses how we change for God while living in this world.
- Joy Resurrected
Kathleen teaches us how to live a life of JOY through Jesus' resurrection power.
- Living In The Spirit (11/28/11)
It has been said, “To be disappointed in yourself is to have believed in yourself.” Think about that. Do you believe in yourself? Or do you believe in God? Kathleen discusses concepts vital to our spiritual life, in which God increases in us, and we decrease.
- Living Joyfully (11/14/11)
Kathleen discusses how to live joyfully in the midst of anxiety, uncertainty, chronic pain and the continuing challenges of this world.
- No Worries (2 of 7)
What do I do that forfeits the promised "land of rest"? RE: Israelites-we are delivered from our bondage to sin and then we are entered into a time of testing before that promised land of rest. We will praise Him while we can see His works, but then we doubt Him during time of testing and go into unbelief. What causes me to NOT believe? Land of rest NOT dependent on circumstances, He PROMISES us a rest.
- Personally Applying Scriptures
The Words that came out of Jesus' mouth are Spirit and Life to us. They are life changing. Taking a scripture and speaking it out loud makes it come alive: Our lives will be blessed in those areas where we believe in and apply scripture. But unless we apply it, it won't do us any good. When we speak the Word of God, it has power in the heavenly realms. Angels even do bidding according to the Word of God. God's Word always has power. When we apply it to our life, it has power. The world was created by the spoken Word. The Word that was spoken out of the mouth of God (Bible) has so much power that it created the world. Jesus says, 'The Words I have spoken to you are Spirit and they are Life.'" 2 Tim 1:7 "
- What Does It Mean To Carry My Cross? (3 of 4)
What is our cross? LOVE. Love God. Love others. Which means dying to self, giving up your own rights: The cross, where our will crosses God's will. Being a Believer does NOT mean that we are part of a "Bless Me" Club, but rather a part of God's LOVE. True LOVE always involves personal sacrifice. Love is a willingness to die.
- You Bet I'm Humble! (Humility 1)
What does true humility look like from a Biblical perspective? Kathleen discusses how the world can get us off track and how the Word can show us the true meaning of humility.