- Build Your House On the Rock (6 of 6)
Get to know who you really are by getting to know Jesus. If you’re on a trek for self-realization you should get to know HIM! Although "Born Again" has gotten a bad rap, you have to be born again to live in the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. By living in the Kingdom of Heaven, you can see joy and have protection and peace.
- Establishing Your Spiritual Location/Foundation
Your choices determine which kingdom you will live in while you are here on earth.
- Following God's Rules
We're supposed to be strangers in this world, to feel like you don't fit in sometimes. We are to be rocked by evil, not comfortable with it. You're not going to always fit in. Be like a teen; rebel. But rebel against what's wrong, against the majority. You don't rule yourself. Either God rules you or the world rules you. God is the only one who knows your deepest desires. God doesn't care where you start, but where you finish.
- God's Way To Personal Permanent Change - Part 3
Jesus has paid the price for you, but your ticket to enter freedom is one of humility.
- God's Way, Not Ours
Kathleen discusses the dynamics of making decisions, following our own hearts or God's direction. True freedom is not having our own way, but yielding to God's way.
- Hearing God Through Peace (2 of 3)
Discover six Biblical truths in order for you to hear God through peace.
- Hidden In Christ
Kathleen explores the costs and benefits of taking God seriously when He says "Pay attention to my Word."
- It's All About The Attitude
Kathleen discusses what true humility is - a position of the heart, a position the body, and lastly a position of praise!
- Jesus, The Word In Action, (Part 1)
Hearing, speaking, meditating upon and memorizing God's Word quickens LIFE anywhere we apply it.
- Living Your Real Life
Kathleen discusses how to live the real life God intends for you. Where do you find it and how do you get there?
- Love Is Not Rude
How to be clothed in love and kindness and uncover rudeness in all its forms.
- Love Not Like (5 of 6)
Learn how to forgive and love even those whom you may not like.
- Physical and Spiritual Rest (3 of 7)
Rest is available as inheritance despite circumstances. When things are bad, we can still enter the promised land. And when things are good, we can still be tempted to turn our faces from Him. Kathleen discusses the causes of unbelief (because unbelief is the reason for not entering into the promised land of rest.
- Valued By God
God designed us to want to be valued and to want value. Most of us spend a lifetime searching high and low in order to find a valuable friend, spouse, advice, school, job and life.
But we don’t need to search the world to find what is most valuable. The greatest treasures ever to be found are in the God’s Word.
- You Bet I'm Humble! (Humility 1)
What does true humility look like from a Biblical perspective? Kathleen discusses how the world can get us off track and how the Word can show us the true meaning of humility.