- A Perfect Father (9/12/2011)
Kathleen continues her talk on original sin and how much God loves us. After God made a perfect world and created perfect humans to live in it, they chose to disbelieve God and thus disobey God and their eyes were opened to good and evil. Because of their disobedience corruption entered their bodies, souls and spirits and everything God created.
Immediately, God The Father wanted to forgive His children. And He knew that it would take a SACRIFICE of Himself. Real forgiveness always a sacrifice.
- Building What Lasts
What is true Humility? Kathleen discusses what the fruits of humility look like in our lives and our actions.
- Christ, The Living Word, Created The World
Knowing Jesus as the Living word, active and among us.
- Empty Yourself (12/12/11)
Jesus emptied Himself to become man in order to save you, understand you, free you from fear of death, and to show us how to empty ourselves.
- God Speaks Through People
God speaks thru strangers, movies, art, books, music, nature; anything He chooses. God speaks to us through circumstances. If a door is closed, sometimes God wants us to knock down the door.
- God Speaks Through Wise Counsel CD 5
Do you ever wish you for a direct line of communication with God? Kathleen discusses the many ways God comes to us.
- Hearing God Through His Word (1 of 3)
Kathleen relates personal examples and applicable Scriptures to help you learn to hear God's voice through the only 100% accurate source - The Bible.
- How Do I Continue In God's Word? (4 of 4)
Continue means abide, remain, dwell, tarry (wait), not to depart, endure. CONTINUE in God's Word to get free. Free from what? judgment, torment, worry, repetitive sins, addiction, unforgiveness, sickness, depression, oppression, anger, bitterness, self reliance. Continuence moves God's heart to do miracles because it brings God's compassion.
- How God Speaks, Part 3 (6 of 10)
God won't talk to us about certain matters unless He knows we will be obedient because He doesn't set us up for failure. Anytime God reveals something to you or puts you in a situation, it's because He sets you up to succeed, even if it is a difficult trial. God does speak to us. What God has shown Kathleen is that you don't have to understand it, you just have to agree because God is God and you are not. That opens our hearts to be obedient to Him. The Spirit is always talking, but not everyone is listening. If we are willing to obey, He will give us more and more truth, joy and love.
- It's All About The Attitude
Kathleen discusses what true humility is - a position of the heart, a position the body, and lastly a position of praise!
- Jesus, The Word In Action, (Part 1)
Hearing, speaking, meditating upon and memorizing God's Word quickens LIFE anywhere we apply it.
- Love Keeps No Record Of Wrongs (part 2 of 3)
God will remember our sins no more. We are not the black sheep of the Christian family. When He looks at us, He sees us as purified by the blood of Jesus. He is not keeping score. We should be an iimitator of Jesus. Walk in love the way Jesus loves us. Do and think as God does. We can only do this with the help of the Holy Spirit. The biggest thing is to not keep a record of wrongs. We need to get rid of those things that God tells us to get rid of. God calls us to a life of freedom, not one where we are always collecting debts. God's forgiveness is His biggest demonstration of love. We should do likewise. Forgive others like we want to be forgiven. We may need to be honest with God and ask Him for help in putting a hurt away. Forgiveness brings life and frees us from the law of sin and death. Unforgiveness can mean death of relationships, of creativity, and even death to our body. We need to put aside any excuses we have for unforgiveness and ask God to cleanse our thoughts and hearts.
- Physical and Spiritual Rest (3 of 7)
Rest is available as inheritance despite circumstances. When things are bad, we can still enter the promised land. And when things are good, we can still be tempted to turn our faces from Him. Kathleen discusses the causes of unbelief (because unbelief is the reason for not entering into the promised land of rest.
- Responding In Belief - Part 2 (8 of 10)
Some people gain hope or loose hope depending upon their circumstances. But when you believe in God, you never loose hope. That’s because God never changes even though the circumstances do. It says in the book of Hebrews that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). So God is always loving, always faithful, always doing miracles, always willing to help us. God however is moved by faith, not by need. We may not like that, but that’s what we see all through the Word of God. He is moved by compassion because He loves us, but faith is what he looks for from us because it is a child thing, Daddy I believe you! So our response is no matter what I see, no matter what I hear, or no matter what I feel I believe in God. Knowing God and responding in belief will change the outcome of our circumstances in life..
- Rest Assured (1 of 7)
God promises a REST for all believers. Learn what this REST is and enter it today.
- The Holy Spirit (09/26/2011)
Join Kathleen as she leads us into a discussion of a deeper understanding of the Holy Spirit.
- The Secret Revealed (1 of 10)
The answer to what the secret is - Obedience. How many of you would have been excited if Kathleen said she was going to teach a minimum of 4 weeks on Obedience?! Unfortunately, the word "obedience" is distasteful to most of us, even though we want it from our children. It's interesting that Isaiah 1:19 says that "If you are obedient you will eat the good of the land." So who made "obedience" a distasteful word? The enemy! Isaiah says we will have the best in our life; but to us today, the word sounds so stoic plus it brings conviction. We don't want to hear it! When we look at some of the good results of obedience, most of us would be excited to be obedient to God.
- The Voice In The Word
You can hear the Word, it will heal, or you can receive nothing if it's not combined with faith. Receive the Holy Spirit. Pay attention to His Word. Pay=it costs you something! Whose voice do you obey? Whose voice do you meditate on? One of fear? Or His peace, love, and freedom?
- The Word Is Active and Alive
How actively looking for someone to love and help, is the way to peace with God and with yourself.
- Unto The Least Of These
With the love of God (a verb, sacrificial, in action) you can extend yourself to those who are hungry, thirst, naked, imprisoned (literally & figuratively). By doing so, you are feeding, clothing, and loving Jesus
- What Does It Mean To Carry My Cross? (3 of 4)
What is our cross? LOVE. Love God. Love others. Which means dying to self, giving up your own rights: The cross, where our will crosses God's will. Being a Believer does NOT mean that we are part of a "Bless Me" Club, but rather a part of God's LOVE. True LOVE always involves personal sacrifice. Love is a willingness to die.