- Bless Back (6 of 6)
A lie has speed, but the truth has endurance. When we are cursed, we bless; when we are persecuted, we endure it. When we are cursed, we bless; when we are persecuted, we endure it
- Build Your House On the Rock (6 of 6)
Get to know who you really are by getting to know Jesus. If you’re on a trek for self-realization you should get to know HIM! Although "Born Again" has gotten a bad rap, you have to be born again to live in the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. By living in the Kingdom of Heaven, you can see joy and have protection and peace.
- Following God's Rules
We're supposed to be strangers in this world, to feel like you don't fit in sometimes. We are to be rocked by evil, not comfortable with it. You're not going to always fit in. Be like a teen; rebel. But rebel against what's wrong, against the majority. You don't rule yourself. Either God rules you or the world rules you. God is the only one who knows your deepest desires. God doesn't care where you start, but where you finish.
- God's Way To Personal Permanent Change - Part 2
If we want to become more like Jesus, what steps do we need to take? Kathleen talks about how we can become more like the person God intended us to be.
- God's Way To Personal Permanent Change - Part 3
Jesus has paid the price for you, but your ticket to enter freedom is one of humility.
- Love Is Not Easily Angered Part 3
The religious leaders tried to provoke Jesus' anger. In one instance, the Pharisees brought an adulteress to Jesus and asked Him to convict her. When Jesus wrote in the sand, He was showing them how He bought time and prayed before responding to the accusers and the woman. We often get in trouble when we answer too quickly. Most of us are slow to listen, quick to speak, and quick to anger. Although they were trying to trap Him into either saying that scripture was wrong about Moses or letting the adulteress off the hook, He responded by saying "he who is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone." That simple statement was so convicting that everyone left except the accused woman and Jesus. The number one lesson we should learn from this is to take our time and answer slowly.
- Love Not Like (5 of 6)
Learn how to forgive and love even those whom you may not like.
- The Difference Between Fact and Truth
Waiting strengthens your faith. Abraham waited past the point of possibility. How can you be strengthened in faith while you are waiting? It's not about denying the facts. Abraham faced the facts and trusted in God's promises despite them, and his faith was strengthened. Give glory to God during the wait. What His promises are to us beyond salvation. God's Word (the Truth) overrides fact.
- Unto The Least Of These
With the love of God (a verb, sacrificial, in action) you can extend yourself to those who are hungry, thirst, naked, imprisoned (literally & figuratively). By doing so, you are feeding, clothing, and loving Jesus
- What Does It Mean To Carry My Cross? (3 of 4)
What is our cross? LOVE. Love God. Love others. Which means dying to self, giving up your own rights: The cross, where our will crosses God's will. Being a Believer does NOT mean that we are part of a "Bless Me" Club, but rather a part of God's LOVE. True LOVE always involves personal sacrifice. Love is a willingness to die.