- Alright, Who's In Charge Here? (3 of 6)
Kathleen reviews satan's tempting of Jesus with what this world offers, 2 kingdoms, 2 rulers. People ask, if God is control, why does He let bad things happen? Satan is the ruler of hell and is currently ruler of this world. God WANTS you to go to Him. You haven't made Him Lord if you are still running your own life. Loving God means doing His will. Worship God, not earthly idols. When you have prayed the Word and still feel worried, tempted to lose hope, or want to give up, He will provide a way out.
- Earth Stuff
What do we do when we are in the midst of "Earth Stuff"? Kathleen discusses what the Bible calls us to do to stay our course on earth as God's people.
- Joy Resurrected
Kathleen teaches us how to live a life of JOY through Jesus' resurrection power.
- Love - How, When and Why
Where does love come from? Do you ever wonder if you really love God? Kathleen discusses how God's faithfulness is revealed in it's consistency. His love is consistently revealed to us anew each time we read the Bible. The enemy will try to fool you, but remember that the only love we have in us is what God has given us.
- Love Keeps No Record Of Wrongs (3 of 3)
God does not want things in our lives to be stumbling blocks; He wants them to be stepping stones. We can choose to walk upon things to get to a higher place or we can trip on them. It is our choice. He will do a NEW thing in us if we live in today and do not dwell on yesterday. If we turn to God, He can help us forgive . Love is a free choice. We need the Word of God to change us. Perfect love drives out all fear and hope does not disappoint us. This talk aired on January 16 & 17, 2010 and is part 3 of a 3 part series.
- Love Not Like (5 of 6)
Learn how to forgive and love even those whom you may not like.
- Love Your Brother
All of God’s children have a name and He cares deeply about each and every one.
- Receiving God's Love For Yourself (Part 1)
People want to give God's love to the world but do not know how. Before we give anything away, we have to receive it, then possess it, then give it. We cannot give something away that we do not have. Receive means to acquire or partake; possess means to carry it and have it with you; give means to dispense and give out. We have to love ourselves in order to love others. God says over and over to love your neighbors as you love yourself. When you fly, if there is ever a need to have oxygen, they say to apply the mask to yourself first, then help someone else. It is the same with mercy and forgiveness. If you haven't received it, you cannot give it.
- Stamping Out Fear
Understanding postive and negative fear. Learning that fear is the opposite of love. God is Love!
- The Beginning Of God's Strength
God doesn't look at you and wonder how long you will be a mess or how many promises you will break. He sees you as eternal. You are an overcomer. Greater is He who is within you than is in the world. Don't change the WORD to fit your circumstances, tradition, or favorite speaker. Don't change it to make more sense. It is Truth. Those who live in the truth don't need to fake joy or peace. They just believe the Word.
- The Secret Revealed (1 of 10)
The answer to what the secret is - Obedience. How many of you would have been excited if Kathleen said she was going to teach a minimum of 4 weeks on Obedience?! Unfortunately, the word "obedience" is distasteful to most of us, even though we want it from our children. It's interesting that Isaiah 1:19 says that "If you are obedient you will eat the good of the land." So who made "obedience" a distasteful word? The enemy! Isaiah says we will have the best in our life; but to us today, the word sounds so stoic plus it brings conviction. We don't want to hear it! When we look at some of the good results of obedience, most of us would be excited to be obedient to God.