- Alright, Who's In Charge Here? (3 of 6)
Kathleen reviews satan's tempting of Jesus with what this world offers, 2 kingdoms, 2 rulers. People ask, if God is control, why does He let bad things happen? Satan is the ruler of hell and is currently ruler of this world. God WANTS you to go to Him. You haven't made Him Lord if you are still running your own life. Loving God means doing His will. Worship God, not earthly idols. When you have prayed the Word and still feel worried, tempted to lose hope, or want to give up, He will provide a way out.
- Building What Lasts
What is true Humility? Kathleen discusses what the fruits of humility look like in our lives and our actions.
- How God Speaks, Part 3 (6 of 10)
God won't talk to us about certain matters unless He knows we will be obedient because He doesn't set us up for failure. Anytime God reveals something to you or puts you in a situation, it's because He sets you up to succeed, even if it is a difficult trial. God does speak to us. What God has shown Kathleen is that you don't have to understand it, you just have to agree because God is God and you are not. That opens our hearts to be obedient to Him. The Spirit is always talking, but not everyone is listening. If we are willing to obey, He will give us more and more truth, joy and love.
- Responding In Belief - Part 1 (7 of 10)
We need to know how God speaks and how to attune our spirits to hear Him. Beyond that we need to respond. Slow obedience is like no obedience because timing is important with God. Our response should be to believe God regardless of the circumstances.
- Responding In Belief - Part 2 (8 of 10)
Some people gain hope or loose hope depending upon their circumstances. But when you believe in God, you never loose hope. That’s because God never changes even though the circumstances do. It says in the book of Hebrews that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). So God is always loving, always faithful, always doing miracles, always willing to help us. God however is moved by faith, not by need. We may not like that, but that’s what we see all through the Word of God. He is moved by compassion because He loves us, but faith is what he looks for from us because it is a child thing, Daddy I believe you! So our response is no matter what I see, no matter what I hear, or no matter what I feel I believe in God. Knowing God and responding in belief will change the outcome of our circumstances in life..
- The Relationship (10/17/11)
Christianity is about the Person of Jesus. We are made (by God, Our Creator) to know Him through the Person of Jesus (His Son.)
Any approach we make toward God (with a true heart to want to know Him) He rewards.
- You Bet I'm Humble! (Humility 1)
What does true humility look like from a Biblical perspective? Kathleen discusses how the world can get us off track and how the Word can show us the true meaning of humility.