- How Do You See Yourself
You will develop what you focus on. Focus on who He created you to be, not your past, what the world thinks of you or even what you think of yourself. If you want His will developed in your life, focus on that; you are the beloved of God, not the sum total of the world's opinion, past failures or personal weaknesses.
- Living For God's Love
In this talk Kathleen shares the way to never fail in life and to hear "well done, good and faithful servant". She speaks to us about not letting your love grow cold. The Bible tells us in the end times the hearts of men will grow cold. All that matters is love. Love and you will have accomplished His will. The enemy wants to take your ability to love from you and see that your heart is hardened. Your responsibility is not to create a great destiny, call in angels, raise amazing children, be perfect. Our only responsibility is to love. Stay in love and in God and you'll never fail because love never fails. Show your love for Jesus by showing your love for His lambs. That includes loving yourself and forgiving yourself. God will take care of you if you take care of others. NOTHING can separate you from the love of Christ.
This talk aired in 2 parts: Part 1 on January 23 and 24 - Part 2 on January 30 and 31.