- Christ, The Living Word, Reveals God, The Father
Throughout the ages, God's people have desired to SEE God as He truly is. Even Jesus disciples asked to SEE The Father. In response, Jesus reveals one of the greatest truths ever imparted from God to man, "Anyone who has SEEN Me (Jesus) has SEEN the Father (God)."(John 14:9)
- Christ, The Living Word, Created The World
Knowing Jesus as the Living word, active and among us.
- Christ, The Living Word, Reveals God, The Truth
Kathleen shares insights on coming to know God (The Truth) as revealed to us through His Son, Jesus.
- Do Whatever He Tells You (10/31/11)
Are your struggling with direction in your life? Join Kathleen for a lively discussion of concepts drawn from the Miracle At Cana.
- Empty Yourself (12/12/11)
Jesus emptied Himself to become man in order to save you, understand you, free you from fear of death, and to show us how to empty ourselves.
- Jesus, The Word In Action, (Part 1)
Hearing, speaking, meditating upon and memorizing God's Word quickens LIFE anywhere we apply it.
- Joy Resurrected
Kathleen teaches us how to live a life of JOY through Jesus' resurrection power.
- Seeing God, A Closer Look At Jesus
In the Bible, Jesus is the Bridegroom, the Church is the Bride. He is the Bridegroom because he changes our heart, that we can be considered his Bride. Turning water into wine is a turning point: water as it is doesn't even have the elements of wine. Jesus changes our hearts and presents us to the Bridegroom.
- The Gift Of God (12/05/11)
Kathleen discusses God's gift to us in Jesus. Our lives are to be lived in a joyful relationship with Christ in the here and NOW. How do we live this out in our choices and truthfulness with ourselves and others?
- The Lamb of God
Kathleen discusses the peace that only God can give us through His Son, Jesus. God always knows what is in our hearts and minds even when we don't know ourselves. When you lose your peace, remember God gives it to you as a free gift through Jesus.