- Building What Lasts
What is true Humility? Kathleen discusses what the fruits of humility look like in our lives and our actions.
- Fresh Joy
Kathleen discusses things that steal our joy and ways to replace those things with gifts from God.
- God's Investment Plan
How do you make the big decisions in your life? Kathleen discusses God's plan for these important times.
- Living Joyfully (11/14/11)
Kathleen discusses how to live joyfully in the midst of anxiety, uncertainty, chronic pain and the continuing challenges of this world.
- Love Keeps No Record Of Wrongs (3 of 3)
God does not want things in our lives to be stumbling blocks; He wants them to be stepping stones. We can choose to walk upon things to get to a higher place or we can trip on them. It is our choice. He will do a NEW thing in us if we live in today and do not dwell on yesterday. If we turn to God, He can help us forgive . Love is a free choice. We need the Word of God to change us. Perfect love drives out all fear and hope does not disappoint us. This talk aired on January 16 & 17, 2010 and is part 3 of a 3 part series.
- Personally Possessing Faith (3 of 3)
We must personally possess faith through the Word so that we can share it with others. Perfect love casts out fear. Sharing our faith with others is God's plan for us - to share the love of Jesus who came to destroy the works of the devil.
- Pulling Jesus In
We do not have to be separated from the love of God given to us in Christ Jesus. How do you deal with the turmoil in your life?
- Stamping Out Fear
Understanding postive and negative fear. Learning that fear is the opposite of love. God is Love!
- Use Your Weapons Correctly (4 of 6)
Kathleen reviews the two kingdoms and the two rulers. Jesus does not set you up to fail. He will always provide a way out. This world is controlled by satan. But because of Jesus we have His authority (not His power-there is a difference). We have the fruit of the Spirit. Read the Word and believe that it is true. Why put a question mark where God puts a period? You can hear lies so often that you start to believe they are true. The WORD is our only defensive weapon. Use the WORD outloud. Christians need to memorize and USE scriptures. If you defend your anger, fear, etc, you will keep it. Think about that! Instead, say "I have a good reason to be afraid. BUT I have not been given a spirit of fear, but of power and love and sound mind."
- Who Is Wisdom?
Join Kathleen in a discussion of Wisdom. Who or what is it, where do you find it and what can it do for you?
- Your Actions (10 of 10)
Kathleen is teaching about living out of our spirit. She reiterates that we are 3 part beings made up of our body, soul, and spirit. Living out of our body and soul is living out of our flesh verses walking with God by living out of our spirit. When we talk about obedience, we also have to consider our actions on other people. Obedience and disobedience are generational. Obedience has a windfall of good results for generations. Likewise, disobedience has a windfall of terrible results for generations.