- Past the Point of Possibility
Abraham waited past the point of possibility. He CHOSE to believe God despite his circumstances. What to do when suffering? Suffering produces perserverance and produces the character that He will use in your life for that purpose. He predestined you before the foundations of the earth. God never wastes your suffering. Set your hope on Him. Nothing will snatch you out of His hand.
- Take Off The Bronze
God doesn't look at outward appearances; He searches the heart. David was anointed King in front of his brothers, but still had to go right back to the sheep fields and the dirty work while the Lord prepared Him and while David waited to be called. People will misjudge our hearts when we are on His purpose for us. David killed the giant with the tools the Lord had trained him with in the sheep fields. David took off the bronze armor (which represents human strength and judgment) and used the tools God gave him. Whatever our shepherd's fields are is what He will use to prepare us to go out and fulfill the call on our lives
- Taking Intermission
When we get exhausted, His Word will regenerate us. Come to Me, all who are weary. Rest=intermission. We're tired because of sin in our lives. Go to Him, pray for salvation/for the joy of His salvation to be renewed. Repent/turn away from the sin and go to Him. Be joyful. There is no joy in sacrifice and control when you use those in lieu of repentance. Don't lean on your own understanding. God will forge a way where there is no way.