Build Your House On the Rock (6 of 6)
Get to know who you really are by getting to know Jesus. If you’re on a trek for self-realization you should get to know HIM! Although "Born Again" has gotten a bad rap, you have to be born again to live in the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. By living in the Kingdom of Heaven, you can see joy and have protection and peace.
How Do I Continue In God's Word? (4 of 4)
Continue means abide, remain, dwell, tarry (wait), not to depart, endure. CONTINUE in God's Word to get free. Free from what? judgment, torment, worry, repetitive sins, addiction, unforgiveness, sickness, depression, oppression, anger, bitterness, self reliance. Continuence moves God's heart to do miracles because it brings God's compassion.
How Do You See Yourself
You will develop what you focus on. Focus on who He created you to be, not your past, what the world thinks of you or even what you think of yourself. If you want His will developed in your life, focus on that; you are the beloved of God, not the sum total of the world's opinion, past failures or personal weaknesses.
Man's Precious Possesion
Kathleen discusses how you can be one of those people who radiate contentment in their soul. What does the Bible say about this special ability?
Past the Point of Possibility
Abraham waited past the point of possibility. He CHOSE to believe God despite his circumstances. What to do when suffering? Suffering produces perserverance and produces the character that He will use in your life for that purpose. He predestined you before the foundations of the earth. God never wastes your suffering. Set your hope on Him. Nothing will snatch you out of His hand.
Take Off The Bronze
God doesn't look at outward appearances; He searches the heart. David was anointed King in front of his brothers, but still had to go right back to the sheep fields and the dirty work while the Lord prepared Him and while David waited to be called. People will misjudge our hearts when we are on His purpose for us. David killed the giant with the tools the Lord had trained him with in the sheep fields. David took off the bronze armor (which represents human strength and judgment) and used the tools God gave him. Whatever our shepherd's fields are is what He will use to prepare us to go out and fulfill the call on our lives
When God's Will Brings A Test (3 of 4)
God never tempts us, but He tests us. Even though we can be tempted, we are NEVER tempted by God. We are tempted by the enemy, but God will provide a way out. God wants us to persevere in our trials. When you choose to praise through the pain it can cuase other people's chains to come loose. Will you praise through the pain? Praise releases faith! God is moved by faith!
When God's Will Calls You Higher (2 of 4)
God's ways are better, perfect, and higher than our ways. God's ways can call us to stretch, to be different than those around us. You can choose God's ways that are higher and receive God's blessing. Daniel is an example of not understanding what God's ways were, what God was doing; but still he placed God's ways as his ways. We are not to conform. God does not want us to compromise. Do you have your will above God's will?