- Earth Stuff
What do we do when we are in the midst of "Earth Stuff"? Kathleen discusses what the Bible calls us to do to stay our course on earth as God's people.
- God's Way, Not Ours
Kathleen discusses the dynamics of making decisions, following our own hearts or God's direction. True freedom is not having our own way, but yielding to God's way.
- God's Word Can Change You
Kathleen briefly talks of neuroscience, medicine, how the Word literally changes you because it's alive. Literally you are a new person, but we are responsible for our place here on earth. Be doers, not just hearers and readers of the Word. Build your house on the rock. Faith is action. Meditate on the word. Keep word in the midst of your heart.
- How To Change
Kathleen discusses how we change for God while living in this world.