- God The Son (09/19/2011)
Join Kathleen as she discusses Jesus in depth and share in the wonder of His unique and profound purpose in our lives.
- God-Focus Develops Rest (5 of 7)
Kathleen talks about what you focus on develops. Focusing on problems causes us to complain, murmur, and blame which develops "faith" that nothing will go right and the result is no rest. Focusing on God develops rest.
- Individuals
Kathleen discusses the dynamics of becoming married, retaining your individuality in God's eyes and our continuing relationship with God.
- Leaders Need Rest (4 of 7)
Moses teaches leaders how to avoid personal disqualification from receiving God's promises.
- Nobleman's Son
Kathleen discusses the impact of a healing miracle on a family and their relationships.
- Physical and Spiritual Rest (3 of 7)
Rest is available as inheritance despite circumstances. When things are bad, we can still enter the promised land. And when things are good, we can still be tempted to turn our faces from Him. Kathleen discusses the causes of unbelief (because unbelief is the reason for not entering into the promised land of rest.
- Taking Intermission
When we get exhausted, His Word will regenerate us. Come to Me, all who are weary. Rest=intermission. We're tired because of sin in our lives. Go to Him, pray for salvation/for the joy of His salvation to be renewed. Repent/turn away from the sin and go to Him. Be joyful. There is no joy in sacrifice and control when you use those in lieu of repentance. Don't lean on your own understanding. God will forge a way where there is no way.