- God's Glory To Give (2 of 3)
The Glory of God will overshadow you. A lack of trust equals anxiety. Trust is a full understanding of God's mercy. Receive and give away mercy and forgiveness/forgetfulness of your sins & sins of others. The enemy will accuse you of EVERYTHING you've done wrong. Mercy is NOT withholding love just because someone doesn't "deserve" to be loved. While extending mercy to others don't worry about what they're saying or doing behind your back. God has your back covered. God's mercy restores. Mercy is the greatest sacrifice we can offer.
- God's Glory To Live (3 of 3)
We are the hope of glory. When you receive God's REAL mercy, you can move mountains. We withhold mercy; but God doesn’t if we go to Him and ask for forgiveness. We want to glorify God. How do we do that? RECEIVE HIS MERCY. Our job is not to ask how, but to trust His Word. We are His namesake. When Jesus comes back, He’s coming back to an on-fire church. Not to people who are hanging their heads low; but to people who have received His mercy and who are holding their heads up high and moving forward in His grace, while offering His mercy to others.
- God's Glory Unveiled (1 of 3)
Do you "just" see Him as a superhero? He is SO much bigger than that. KNOW He is. All things are possible with Him ALL the time. He can create, recreate, restore, do the impossible! He can defy statistics. Exodus 33:18 God's glory IS His mercy. Mercy of the Father is Jesus. When Christ died on the cross, the veil in the temple was torn. Now we can see Him & sit in the mercy seat! Mercy: you have to receive it before you can give. Lamentations 3:22 He remembers our sins no more. Part of being merciful means not remembering your own sins or sins of others against you. 2 Corinthians 5:21.