A Perfect Father (9/12/2011)
Kathleen continues her talk on original sin and how much God loves us. After God made a perfect world and created perfect humans to live in it, they chose to disbelieve God and thus disobey God and their eyes were opened to good and evil. Because of their disobedience corruption entered their bodies, souls and spirits and everything God created.
Immediately, God The Father wanted to forgive His children. And He knew that it would take a SACRIFICE of Himself. Real forgiveness always a sacrifice.
Do Whatever He Tells You (10/31/11)
Are your struggling with direction in your life? Join Kathleen for a lively discussion of concepts drawn from the Miracle At Cana.
Empty Yourself (12/12/11)
Jesus emptied Himself to become man in order to save you, understand you, free you from fear of death, and to show us how to empty ourselves.
God The Son (09/19/2011)
Join Kathleen as she discusses Jesus in depth and share in the wonder of His unique and profound purpose in our lives.
Just (10/24/11)
God knows that our will and desires will begin to match His perfect plan and direction when we follow Christ and permit ourselves to conform to His Image.
Living In The Spirit (11/28/11)
It has been said, “To be disappointed in yourself is to have believed in yourself.” Think about that. Do you believe in yourself? Or do you believe in God? Kathleen discusses concepts vital to our spiritual life, in which God increases in us, and we decrease.
Living Joyfully (11/14/11)
Kathleen discusses how to live joyfully in the midst of anxiety, uncertainty, chronic pain and the continuing challenges of this world.
Motivation of the Heart (11/7/2011)
Have you ever felt like you were not doing enough simply because you can't do everything that needs to be done? Kathleen discusses sin, righteous anger, and God's desires for us.
The Gift Of God (12/05/11)
Kathleen discusses God's gift to us in Jesus. Our lives are to be lived in a joyful relationship with Christ in the here and NOW. How do we live this out in our choices and truthfulness with ourselves and others?
The Holy Spirit (09/26/2011)
Join Kathleen as she leads us into a discussion of a deeper understanding of the Holy Spirit.
The Relationship (10/17/11)
Christianity is about the Person of Jesus. We are made (by God, Our Creator) to know Him through the Person of Jesus (His Son.)
Any approach we make toward God (with a true heart to want to know Him) He rewards.