- A Matter Of Life and Death
Getting to KNOW Jesus, as we forgive those who trespass against us. He will be our strength to do the things He tells us to do.
- From the Prison To the Palace
God has a plan. Joseph was punished for doing the right thing. God doesn't say, "awww, limp along now." He says, "Forgive!" Things meant to destroy you will be used by God. Stumbling blocks can be stepping stones. Don't hoard your gifts because you've been hurt. Say to God, "Use me!
- The Difference Between Fact and Truth
Waiting strengthens your faith. Abraham waited past the point of possibility. How can you be strengthened in faith while you are waiting? It's not about denying the facts. Abraham faced the facts and trusted in God's promises despite them, and his faith was strengthened. Give glory to God during the wait. What His promises are to us beyond salvation. God's Word (the Truth) overrides fact.