- Christ, The Living Word, Reveals God, The Father
Throughout the ages, God's people have desired to SEE God as He truly is. Even Jesus disciples asked to SEE The Father. In response, Jesus reveals one of the greatest truths ever imparted from God to man, "Anyone who has SEEN Me (Jesus) has SEEN the Father (God)."(John 14:9)
- Choosing The Kingdom Of God
Knowing exactly what the Kingdom of God is makes it easier to choose to live in it and your choice affects eternity!
- Do The Deeds
Kathleen discusses what Jesus means when He implores us to live our lives as Abraham's children.
- God Speaks Through People
God speaks thru strangers, movies, art, books, music, nature; anything He chooses. God speaks to us through circumstances. If a door is closed, sometimes God wants us to knock down the door.
- Hear Him, Follow Him (Part 1)
We won't listen to a stranger's voice. Make more room for Him in our hearts, lives. He cares about the little things. Learn how to attune your ears to hear the voice of God. We need to be quenched with the Word. The Word not only quenches, heals, fills; it is also the voice of God for every situation.
- The Voice In The Word
You can hear the Word, it will heal, or you can receive nothing if it's not combined with faith. Receive the Holy Spirit. Pay attention to His Word. Pay=it costs you something! Whose voice do you obey? Whose voice do you meditate on? One of fear? Or His peace, love, and freedom?
- Who Is Wisdom?
Join Kathleen in a discussion of Wisdom. Who or what is it, where do you find it and what can it do for you?