- Christ, The Living Word, Created The World
Knowing Jesus as the Living word, active and among us.
- Daily Bread
Living for the present. Kathleen shares the story of "Norman" in North Carolina and the story of "Sam" while she is having chemo in her hospital room. Jesus is the Peace that passes all understanding. The future is like eating dough. We cannot live in the future - it will make you sick. The future can rob you of the present. We were not created to live in the future. Jesus is our daily bread. We do not have grace for tomorrow. We must not live in the past with moldy bread. Daily bread is our grace.
- What Can God Do With The Waste In My Life? (2 of 4
God doesn't waste anything. We are God's righteousness in Christ Jesus. Even the righteous have waste. God desires to redeem our lives. We can gather the fragments of our lives and give to Jesus and say, I will trust you to redeem this. Jesus said gather up the fragments, let nothing be wasted: wasted years, wasted relationships, wasted things. God redeems our waste. Whether you have made mistakes, wasted years, wasted finances, it is His job to redeem and restore. Gather up the fragments of your life and watch Him restore the years the locusts have eaten.
- You Can't Give Away What You Don't Have
How to love, forgive and be free. You must receive His forgiveness and mercy. Praying for those who supposedly represent God who have wounded, betrayed you. Pray that they DON'T reap what they sow. There is such freedom in knowing He will restore what the locusts have eaten, when you obey Him and just forgive FROM THE HEART. How? Think of all He has forgiven you for and receive his mercy and give that away. Freedom! Grace=getting what you don't deserve, mercy=NOT getting what you do deserve. G.R.A.C.E.=God's riches at Christ's expense.