- Choose Where You Will Stand (2 of 6)
When satan comes and tempts you, use the Word like Jesus did. Satan offered Jesus all the kingdoms of the world because they were his to give. We are always offered the world, the world's way. We need to choose God's way, His Word. How can we be wise and make the most of opportunities if we don't know the difference between the two kingdoms - Heaven or the world?
- Fruit Of The Spirit; Fruit Of The Flesh
Kathleen discusses the fruits in our lives of the things we choose to feed. Are you dissatisfied with something in your life?
- God's Way To Personal Permanent Change - Part 1
Do you see things in your self and in others that really need to be changed? In this life, there will always be something that needs to be perfected in us. We can not change on our own, only by the power of the Holy Spirit.
- Hunger For Him
Discusses spiritual hunger above physical hunger. Jesus wants us to hunger for Him. Jesus' goals are different than how we are naturally. We need to hunger for Him.
- Listen To The Spirit and Not To Yourself (2 of 6)
Feed your spirit by not having the last word. Listen to the Spirit and not your soul. Romans 8:5 - a mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace. Know the Truth/Word/Jesus - it WILL set you free! Feelings don't line up? Err on the side of the Spirit.
- The Holy Spirit (09/26/2011)
Join Kathleen as she leads us into a discussion of a deeper understanding of the Holy Spirit.
- The Voice In The Word
You can hear the Word, it will heal, or you can receive nothing if it's not combined with faith. Receive the Holy Spirit. Pay attention to His Word. Pay=it costs you something! Whose voice do you obey? Whose voice do you meditate on? One of fear? Or His peace, love, and freedom?
- Through The Spirit (01/09/12)
Jesus looks for those who would worship Him in spirit and truth NOW. There are no barriers or qualifiers to prevent us from worshiping Him.
- Walk In the Spirit (1 of 6)
The Righteous will live by faith. Am I living by faith or am I living by my feelings? A walk in the faith is more of the Word of God. We are made in the image of God. He is a 3-part being: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.