- Assurance Of Salvation
Do you wonder (like the rest of us) if you are truly saved? What is it that really makes the difference in our eternal salvation. Learn what the Bible says and what the world says on this issue.
- Choosing The Kingdom Of God
Knowing exactly what the Kingdom of God is makes it easier to choose to live in it and your choice affects eternity!
- Motivation of the Heart (11/7/2011)
Have you ever felt like you were not doing enough simply because you can't do everything that needs to be done? Kathleen discusses sin, righteous anger, and God's desires for us.
- When God's Will Calls You Higher (2 of 4)
God's ways are better, perfect, and higher than our ways. God's ways can call us to stretch, to be different than those around us. You can choose God's ways that are higher and receive God's blessing. Daniel is an example of not understanding what God's ways were, what God was doing; but still he placed God's ways as his ways. We are not to conform. God does not want us to compromise. Do you have your will above God's will?