When God's Will Brings A Test (3 of 4)
God never tempts us, but He tests us. Even though we can be tempted, we are NEVER tempted by God. We are tempted by the enemy, but God will provide a way out. God wants us to persevere in our trials. When you choose to praise through the pain it can cuase other people's chains to come loose. Will you praise through the pain? Praise releases faith! God is moved by faith!
When God's Will Calls You Higher (2 of 4)
God's ways are better, perfect, and higher than our ways. God's ways can call us to stretch, to be different than those around us. You can choose God's ways that are higher and receive God's blessing. Daniel is an example of not understanding what God's ways were, what God was doing; but still he placed God's ways as his ways. We are not to conform. God does not want us to compromise. Do you have your will above God's will?
When God's Will Is An Inconvenience (1 of 4)
Most of the time, an inconvenience has to do with our neighbor. God's will: Love the Lord your God. Love your neighbor as yourself. When we're inconvenienced and our will doesn't line up with God's will, most of the time it has to do with ours. Compassion always means action. It is not pity; pity will look and turn away. Compassion is an action word. Don't be afraid to be inconvenienced.
When God's Will Means Wait (4 of 4)
Waiting. Abraham waited to be a great nation. Sarah waited to bear a child. David waited to become king. Joseph waited in prison. Moses waited for his people to be free. Mary waited to fulfill God's plan. Jesus waited for His brother to become a believer!