- Choose One Thing
Do you feel like you are forever learning but not changing? Accumulating spiritual truths will not transform you unless you apply them to your life.
- Choose Where You Will Stand (2 of 6)
When satan comes and tempts you, use the Word like Jesus did. Satan offered Jesus all the kingdoms of the world because they were his to give. We are always offered the world, the world's way. We need to choose God's way, His Word. How can we be wise and make the most of opportunities if we don't know the difference between the two kingdoms - Heaven or the world?
- Choosing The Kingdom Of God
Knowing exactly what the Kingdom of God is makes it easier to choose to live in it and your choice affects eternity!
- Fresh Joy
Kathleen discusses things that steal our joy and ways to replace those things with gifts from God.
- It's All About The Attitude
Kathleen discusses what true humility is - a position of the heart, a position the body, and lastly a position of praise!
- Joy Resurrected
Kathleen teaches us how to live a life of JOY through Jesus' resurrection power.
- Living In The Spirit (11/28/11)
It has been said, “To be disappointed in yourself is to have believed in yourself.” Think about that. Do you believe in yourself? Or do you believe in God? Kathleen discusses concepts vital to our spiritual life, in which God increases in us, and we decrease.
- Living Joyfully (11/14/11)
Kathleen discusses how to live joyfully in the midst of anxiety, uncertainty, chronic pain and the continuing challenges of this world.
- Responding In Belief -Obedience Part 3 (9 of 10)
Imitate Jesus. When the spirit convicts us, it’s not the accusing way that Satan convicts us. We can’t change ourselves, but God can & we need to believe that. Belief leads to righteousness; and the more righteous we are, the more of His goodness He will give us & the more blessed we will be. When He reveals something to us and convicts us through His Word or through a message like this or through anything, don’t respond with the excuse, “That’s just how I am”. Respond in humility and ask Him to help you change.
- Responding In Belief - Part 2 (8 of 10)
Some people gain hope or loose hope depending upon their circumstances. But when you believe in God, you never loose hope. That’s because God never changes even though the circumstances do. It says in the book of Hebrews that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). So God is always loving, always faithful, always doing miracles, always willing to help us. God however is moved by faith, not by need. We may not like that, but that’s what we see all through the Word of God. He is moved by compassion because He loves us, but faith is what he looks for from us because it is a child thing, Daddy I believe you! So our response is no matter what I see, no matter what I hear, or no matter what I feel I believe in God. Knowing God and responding in belief will change the outcome of our circumstances in life..
- Taking Intermission
When we get exhausted, His Word will regenerate us. Come to Me, all who are weary. Rest=intermission. We're tired because of sin in our lives. Go to Him, pray for salvation/for the joy of His salvation to be renewed. Repent/turn away from the sin and go to Him. Be joyful. There is no joy in sacrifice and control when you use those in lieu of repentance. Don't lean on your own understanding. God will forge a way where there is no way.
- The Beginning Of God's Strength
God doesn't look at you and wonder how long you will be a mess or how many promises you will break. He sees you as eternal. You are an overcomer. Greater is He who is within you than is in the world. Don't change the WORD to fit your circumstances, tradition, or favorite speaker. Don't change it to make more sense. It is Truth. Those who live in the truth don't need to fake joy or peace. They just believe the Word.
- The Choice (2 of 10)
Obeying has nothing to do with feelings. But when you open the door to obeying God and forget about yourself, smile, and rejoice, the residual is that you always feel better. You need to get the Word in your heart so that it comes out of your mouth and you can obey.
- The Gift Of God (12/05/11)
Kathleen discusses God's gift to us in Jesus. Our lives are to be lived in a joyful relationship with Christ in the here and NOW. How do we live this out in our choices and truthfulness with ourselves and others?