How Do I Continue In God's Word? (4 of 4)
Continue means abide, remain, dwell, tarry (wait), not to depart, endure. CONTINUE in God's Word to get free. Free from what? judgment, torment, worry, repetitive sins, addiction, unforgiveness, sickness, depression, oppression, anger, bitterness, self reliance. Continuence moves God's heart to do miracles because it brings God's compassion.
What Can God Do With The Waste In My Life? (2 of 4
God doesn't waste anything. We are God's righteousness in Christ Jesus. Even the righteous have waste. God desires to redeem our lives. We can gather the fragments of our lives and give to Jesus and say, I will trust you to redeem this. Jesus said gather up the fragments, let nothing be wasted: wasted years, wasted relationships, wasted things. God redeems our waste. Whether you have made mistakes, wasted years, wasted finances, it is His job to redeem and restore. Gather up the fragments of your life and watch Him restore the years the locusts have eaten.
What Does It Mean To Carry My Cross? (3 of 4)
What is our cross? LOVE. Love God. Love others. Which means dying to self, giving up your own rights: The cross, where our will crosses God's will. Being a Believer does NOT mean that we are part of a "Bless Me" Club, but rather a part of God's LOVE. True LOVE always involves personal sacrifice. Love is a willingness to die.